Ranting into the social media echo chamber about Trump’s grossly unqualified cabinet nominees may make you feel a little better, but if you want to do something more consequential, take a moment to contact your Senators. It may not change their vote, but it will remind them that you are watching and will remember.
Here’s my most recent email to our two North Carolina Senators (feel free to steal it or use it as a template for your own):
Dear Senator ____________________________,
Your vote to confirm nominees for important government posts who are grossly incompetent or embrace an agenda of political retribution (you know who they are) will ensure your place in history and the memory of your children and grandchildren as a cowardly, self-serving sycophant who cared more about protecting his job than protecting the safety and security of the American people and our Democracy.
As a United States Senator, you have been granted a profoundly powerful responsibility and opportunity to do the right thing for the people and the country you swore to serve. If you do the wrong thing, you will know it for the rest of your life, and your constituents, family, country, and history will not forget.